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The Mayor of Bury St Edmunds
Councillor Diane Hind
Ward: Tollgate
District Councillor

Councillor Patrick Chung
Ward: Southgate
District Councillor

Councillor Nicola Iannelli-Popham
Ward: Abbeygate

Councillor Annabelle Mackenzie
Ward: Abbeygate

Councillor Birgitte Mager
Ward: Moreton Hall
District Councillor

Councillor Marilyn Sayer
Ward: Tollgate
District Councillor

Councillor Frank Stennett​​
Ward: St Olaves
District Councillor

The Deputy Mayor of Bury St Edmunds
Councillor Donna Higgins
Ward: Minden
District Councillor

Councillor Rowena Lindberg
Ward: Moreton Hall
District Councillor

Councillor Richard O'Driscoll
Ward: Minden
District Councillor
Councillor Sarah Stamp
Ward: Southgate
District Councillor

Councillor Cliff Waterman​​
Ward: Eastgate
District Councillor & Leader