This site is currently being constructed. Please bear with us whilst this is completed.

Tenants are required under Clause 7(h) of their Tenancy Conditions to compost on the allotment garden all vegetable, fruit and flower refuse collected or produced in the cultivation thereof weeds or (in the case of organic material which is unsuitable for composting) remove from the allotment gardens for recycling through the appropriate facilities provided by the District or County Council.
Composting is a very important part of allotment life - it is satisfying seeing your compost heap rotting away to produce nutrient-rich soil improver which will nourish your plants. There are however certain things which must not be put onto a compost heap and these include cooked food.
Since the introduction of charges for emptying brown bins, some tenants have started bringing kitchen waste to the allotment to put into their compost bins. This has resulted in problems with unwelcome visitors such as rats, flies and nasty smells which is unpleasant for nearby tenants. As a result of these problems and the risk of other contaminants, as well as diseases, invasive plants etc from garden waste, we have decided not to allow anything to be brought on to the allotment site for composting. This includes anything which was grown on the allotment but which has previously been removed from site.
Those of you who wish to compost waste from home, kitchen or garden can find information at:
We thank you in advance for your co-operation.