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Report a problem or seek advice
Bury St Edmunds Town Council
Your Town Council is the closest tier of local government to you.
This site enables you to catch up on how your Town Council is serving you. These pages include all the minutes of Town Council meetings. If there is anything that you feel the Council should be aware of or where it can help or support you, then please contact the Town Council. Use the drop down menus above to find out what the Town Council is responsible for and its activities within the town.
The Town Council will have access to a Thermal Imagining Camera from the 12 February 2025 for two weeks. If you would like your property/place of work surveyed, please email towncouncilmail@burystedmunds-tc.gov.uk

To get in contact with the Town Council please send any enquiries via email to towncouncilmail@burystedmunds-tc.go.uk
or telephone 01284 725111